Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Supersize Me

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Its easy to say that some of us gain a few pounds over the holidays. And we All Gain a few pounds in the later years of our lives. Me , im 18 years old. when i was 16 and an avid soccer player. I weighed about say..160 lbs. Over the last couple of years,that has changed.i know stand...right here..

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210.. in two years ive gained 50 lbs.

now i guess u can say 210 isnt too horrible. but i'm 18 years old and 6 ft.
You're probably wondering how this has happenned. How could a youn teenager gain that kind of weight. Well there are a few factors to keep in mind. At Age 16 . Teenagers start driving. At about that time . I got a Myspace(man oh man). At about that time i got a job...At a fast food place. and lastly i had an injury in soccer that kept me out a few months.

pic 1
pic 2
Pretty nasty isnt it?

But i cant just blame my car or myspace or even my injury. The main cause of my weight gain? IM AMERICAN...wait.. let me rephrase that... I'm LAZY..

So what am i Going to do? Im going to lose that weight. No, not by Zancrap 3 diet pills.Not with a personal trainer.Not the Ab-couch bull spit. None of that tae bo or anything else i havent mentioned that is out there to steal your money. I'm going to do this the only way thats right.

The old fashion way.

My exercise will be allowed to include.
Ocasional weight training

Of course i cant run 2 miles a day eat a cheeseburger and a burrito at night and expect to loose weight. So i will also Post my food intake here.

We'll see how good i am at this.

Ill keep you posted.